Jumat, 23 November 2012



                                                                                                                                                 Invitation is Invitation tell about how to invite or ask someone to
come alone or join a particular program or activity

Offering in invitation

-i'd like you to come to dinner
-i'd like to ask you to come swimming
-would you like to go to theater with me on saturday night ?
-How about going to the football match with me tomorrow afternoon ?

Accepting an invitation
-Thank you, I'd be glad to go
-Yes, thank you. I'd be happy to go
-Thank you so much for inviting me.
-Let's meet at the school canteen
-Yes. I'd love to
- Sure
- Great

Declining an invitation
- I'm so sorry, I'll be very busy tomorrow night
- I'm afraid that's not to good for me, what about after lunch ?

INVITATION It’s a birhday party for Lucas Karamoy Come and share the joy There’ll be ice cream and cakes for every girl and boy Saturday, June, 10th 2.00 p.m. At Karamoy house Deluxe apartment 3rd floor RSVP: May (022 2352276)

Read more at: http://www.sekolahoke.com/2011/05/short-functional-text-invitation-card.html
Copyright Sekolahoke.com - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di sekolahoke.com yuk! Klik aja http://www.sekolahoke.com/ Under Common Share Alike Atribution
INVITATION It’s a birhday party for Lucas Karamoy Come and share the joy There’ll be ice cream and cakes for every girl and boy Saturday, June, 10th 2.00 p.m. At Karamoy house Deluxe apartment 3rd floor RSVP: May (022 2352276)

Read more at: http://www.sekolahoke.com/2011/05/short-functional-text-invitation-card.html
Copyright Sekolahoke.com - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di sekolahoke.com yuk! Klik aja http://www.sekolahoke.com/ Under Common Share Alike Atribution

INVITATION It’s a birhday party for Lucas Karamoy Come and share the joy There’ll be ice cream and cakes for every girl and boy Saturday, June, 10th 2.00 p.m. At Karamoy house Deluxe apartment 3rd floor RSVP: May (022 2352276)

Read more at: http://www.sekolahoke.com/2011/05/short-functional-text-invitation-card.html
Copyright Sekolahoke.com - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di sekolahoke.com yuk! Klik aja http://www.sekolahoke.com/ Under Common Share Alike Atribution



hey, it's a new year party

come and share the joy

saturday, december, 31 

11.00 p.m.

at salak street at number 231 A

you must join

don"be late okay

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