Sabtu, 24 November 2012



Short message is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems, using standardized Protocols that allow the exchange of short text message between fixed line or mobile phone devices.
A message is written or spoken piece of information that we send to somebody or leave for somebody when we can’t speak to them ourselves.
While you were out
   a.   The functions : To send an important message to other people.
   b.   Some tips to write a short message
   -    Clear addresses ( someone who receives the message)
   -    Straight forward
   -    If it is an instruction state it clearly.
A message in its most general meaning is an object of communication. It is a vessel which provides information. Yet, it can also be this information. Therefore, its meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used; the term may apply to both the information and its form.
Example :
hei ! robert
football matches postponed due to heavy rain so you do not have to rush to the field thanks
by robin

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