Jumat, 23 November 2012

Narrative text

Narrative text

Narrative is a text which contains a story (fiction/non fiction/tales/folktales/ fables/myths/epic) and in its plot consists of climax of the story (complication) then followed by the resolution.
The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference ways. Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.
Generic Structures:
• Orientation (who were involved in the story, when and where)
• Complication (a problem arises followed by other problem)
• Resolution (solution to the problem)

Language features:
• The use of noun phrases (a beautiful princess, a huge temple)
• The use of connectives (first, before that, then, finally)
• The use of adverbial phrases of time and place (in the garden, two days ago)
• The use of simple past tense (he walked away from the village)
• The use o action verbs (walk, sleep, wake up)
• The use of saying verbs (tell, say, ask)
• The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses (she felt hungry, she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning)

Example of Narrative Text:

The Smartest Parrot
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.

One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.

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